
400-028-3886    中文
Company headquarters         Founded in 2000, Wuxi Houde Automation Meter Co., Ltd. is specialized in the production of vibration monitoring and protection systems for large rotating machinery. The leading products of the Company cover monitoring and protection devices and instruments, sensors and transmitters, automatic control systems, data acquisition, analysis and diagnosis systems, and various professional customized fault simulation experiment platforms. MORE +
HOUDE METER research institute

        HOUDE METER research institute---Provide assistance for the company's technological updates and development MORE +
Company No. 2 Factory         Company No. 2 Factory---Mainly produces comprehensive fault simulation test benches, PLC control cabinets and other products MORE +
Product Series
Monitoring and Protection Device Monitor Sensor Transmitter Control Cabinets Fault Simulation Test Stand
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Contact Us sales hotline:400-028-3886 Tel:0510-86328800  86320688
Production Base: No.28 Province Duqiao Road/No.288 Xizhang Road, Gushan Town, Jiangyin City, Wuxi City
R&d Base: Zhongbang Lihu Business Park, No. 2008, Lihu Avenue, Wuxi City
Copyright ? 2021 Wuxi Houde Automation Meter Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 蘇ICP備16007520號-3
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